“Risk reduction will be crucial to our efforts to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. On World Tsunami Awareness Day, I encourage governments, local authorities and the construction industry to pursue risk-informed development and invest in resilience.” — UN Secretary-General, António Guterres.

Tsunami adalah peristiwa langka atau jarang terjadi, tetapi bisa sangat mematikan. Dalam 100
tahun terakhir, 58 di antaranya telah merenggut lebih dari 260.000 nyawa, atau rata-rata 4.600 per bencana, melebihi bahaya alam lainnya. Jumlah kematian tertinggi pada periode itu terjadi pada tsunami Samudera Hindia pada bulan Desember 2004. Hal itu menyebabkan sekitar 227.000 kematian di 14 negara, dengan Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India dan Thailand yang paling terpukul.

Desember 2015, Majelis Umum PBB menetapkan 5 November sebagai Hari Kesadaran
Tsunami Sedunia. Sidang Umum PBB telah meminta semua negara, badan internasional dan masyarakat
sipil untuk merayakan hari itu, untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tsunami dan berbagi pendekatan inovatif
untuk pengurangan risiko. Ia juga meminta kantor PBB untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (UNISDR)
untuk memfasilitasi peringatan Hari Kesadaran Tsunami Sedunia bekerja sama dengan seluruh sistem
Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.

Pada 2030, diperkirakan 50 persen populasi dunia akan tinggal di wilayah pesisir yang
terkena banjir, badai, dan tsunami. Berinvestasi dalam infrastruktur yang tangguh, sistem peringatan dini,
dan pendidikan sangat penting untuk menyelamatkan orang dan melindungi aset mereka dari risiko
tsunami di masa depan. (https://www.un.org/en/events/tsunamiday/) dan António Guterres selaku
Sekretaris Jenderal PPB telah menyampaikan pidato tentnag World Tsunami Awareness Day 2021:

Boosting support to developing countries and improving detection and early warning is critical.
On World Tsunami Awareness Day, we call on countries, international bodies, and civil society to increase understanding about the threat and share innovative approaches to reduce risks.
We can build on progress achieved – ranging from better outreach to tsunami-exposed communities around the world, to the inclusion of a Tsunami Programme in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
However, the risks remain immense.
Rising sea levels caused by the climate emergency will further exacerbate the destructive power of tsunamis. We must limit warming to 1.5 degrees over pre-industrial averages and invest at scale in the resilience of coastal communities.
Science and international cooperation — as well as preparedness and early action — must be at the heart of our efforts to save lives from tsunamis and other hazards.
Boosting support to developing countries and improving detection and early warning is critical. In the face of increasing complex global crises, we need to be better prepared.
Let us work to reduce tsunami risk, deliver on the Sendai Framework, and together build resilience against all disasters.

Pada tahun 2022 juga Indonesia telah sukses menjadi tuan rumah dari ajang internasional Global
Platform For Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) Ke-7 Tahun 2022 yang diselenggarakan di Bali pada
tanggal 23-28 Mei 2022 telah terselenggara. Kegiatan internasional ini dihadiri oleh sebanyak 4.923
delegasi dari 185 negara dan anggota observer PBB. Forum GPDRR diselenggarakan sebagai wadah
partisipasi stakeholder kebencanaan dalam pengurangan risiko bencana di mana komunitas
penanggulangan bencana nasional dan internasional berkumpul untuk sharing knowledge dan best practice sebagai pembelajaran. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di Bali tersebut merupakan pertemuan ke-7 dari forum dua tahunan yang digagas oleh PBB untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana atau United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).

Pada tahun ini bertepatan dengan 20 tahun Tsunami Aceh, UNDRR menggagas tema WTAD 2024
sebagai berikut:

World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) 2024
"Empowering the next generation with the lessons of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami”

Introduction On 26 December 2004, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused a devastating tsunami that tragically killed around 230,000 people, affecting 14 countries. It was the first global disaster of the 21st century and remains one of the deadliest disasters in recent human history. The people who lived through this tragedy have been forever changed by it. Its lessons, including the warning signs of a tsunami and the importance of seeking high ground, have been engraved in their memories. However, in the 20 years since the disaster, a new generation - that was too young or was born after the disaster - can stand to benefit from the lessons that have been internalized by older survivors. That is why this year, commemorations for World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD) aim to honour the memory of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on its 20th anniversary, to highlight its lessons for children and youth around the world and to celebrate the success of progress made in advancing early warning system coverage. Empowering them with this knowledge, which is captured in the #GetToHighGround campaign, can be the difference between life and death when tsunamis emerge. This is in line with the calls of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 that children and youth be empowered and the calls of the Political Declaration of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework, for “the full, equal, meaningful and inclusive participation” of youth and the promotion of "a culture of disaster prevention.” Empowering children, especially through education, can enable them to protect themselves and to become agents of change in their families and communities by sharing what they learned. This is particularly relevant in the context of the global push to expand early warning systems under the UN Secretary-General’s Early Warnings for All initiative.

WTAD 2024 Theme
To achieve the goal of the Sendai Framework of reducing global disaster risks and losses, the theme of World Tsunami Awareness Day 2024, which is on 5 November, will be commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami by passing its lessons to a new generation of children and youth. The theme is aligned with the theme of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, on 13 October, and the Summit of the Future, in September 2024, where ‘youth and future generations’ are a priority.

Call to Action
• We are calling on all countries at risk from tsunami to take action today: to develop new/revised strategies on tsunami risk, update evacuation routes, install new tsunami warning sensors and warning systems.
• We are calling on all actors in all coastal communities to raise the awareness of their children and youth of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and to conduct, if possible, evacuation drills to higher ground any time during the year.
• We are calling in youth, children and learning institutes to play and learn to Stop Disasters! The Stop Disasters online game teaches children how disasters strike, including tsunamis, and how early warning systems, evacuation plans and education save lives.

Social Media Campaign
Partners are encouraged to publish and share examples of how they are commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami and empowering youth to protect themselves from tsunamis.
When promoting these examples, partners are encouraged to use the hashtags:
• #TsunamiDay
• #GetToHighGround

Key Messages
• The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was the first global disaster of the 21st century and remains one of the deadliest disasters in recent human history.
• In the aftermath of this tragedy emerged a commitment to global cooperation for local resilience.
This resulted in the creation of a tsunami early warning system that benefits 27 countries around the Indian Ocean basin.
• Globally, over 700 million people in low-lying coastal areas and Small Island Developing States are exposed to extreme sea-level events, including tsunami (World Health Organization, 2019).
• An early warning system can be effective only when the population is well aware of tsunami risk and knows what to do in case of an emergency. This means ensuring that at-risk populations have equal access to information and evacuation routes (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2022).
• We’re calling on governments and partners to act now to raise awareness of tsunami risk and implement policies and resilient building measures.

Selaras dengan uraian di atas, kami pemuda relawan Asia Timur-Amerika Latin (FEALAC Warriors) berkolaborasi dengan SD Gagasceria, ICOM Indonesia, BAST ANRI, berniat kembali mengadakan peringatan World Tsunami Awareness Day 2024.


  • Ibu Nidya Kartikasari, Direktur KSIA Amerop Kemlu RI
  • Bapak Budi Tri, Ketua ICOM (International Council of Museum) Indonesia
  • Bapak Muhammad Ihwan, Kepala Balai Arsip Statis dan Tsunami ANRI
  • Kang Bugi (BRIN) Founder Pendongeng Indonesia

Tempat: Hybrid, SD Gagasceria Bandung & Zoom Room.
Waktu: 05 November 2024. Pukul 10.00 – 11.45 WIB.
Peserta: Siswa SD GC Bandung.

Mari berdiskusi dan menambah wawasan serta kewaspadaan kita akan bahaya tsunami dan menjadi
pelopor peringatan Hari Kewaspadaan Tsunami Sedunia.

Eman Hermawan S.E. M.Hum.
Author: Eman Hermawan S.E. M.Hum.

American Studies Program, School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia.

By Eman Hermawan S.E. M.Hum.

American Studies Program, School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia.

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